Ein bisschen lustig finde ich es ja schon, wie Reichen und Unternehmen der Arsch wegen #dwenteignen auf Grundeis geht. Und es kommen mantrahaft immer wieder die gleichen Bullshit-Aussagen:
Gerade beim letzten Punkt wird es interessant — da hatte ich gestern ein schönes Video bei der GLS-Bank gesehen: Boden (und somit indirekt auch Wohnraum) sind im Grunde genommen gar keine handelbare Ware, weil er begrenzt ist. Mit anderen Worten: Der Marktmechanismus mit Angebot und Nachfrage und dem daraus resultierenden Preis funktioniert bei Boden gar nicht. Der Markt kann es also gar nicht richten, weil es kein Markt ist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Schön — und richtig! — finde ich den Schluss, den Thomas Jorberg von der GLS-Bank in dem kleinen Filmchen aufmacht: Wir müssen Wohnraum dem „Marktgeschehen“ entziehen und Wohnraum bzw. das Nutzungsrecht (Wohnen) in Genossenschaften oder gemeinnütziger Form weiterführen. Und das ist ja genau das, was die Kampagne #dwenteignen will! So, und jetzt lasst uns Vonovia und Co. ✨vergesellschaften✨ ✊💜💛
For the first time in ages I went to a concert yesterday. It was outdoors, of course. There were four great musicians performing in the “Gardens of the World”-park in Berlin, one of them being Alicia Edelweiss whose album I bought more than one year ago. Since then I spent countless hours listening to the music while wandering through the city.
I had to take two weeks off and as there’s still a pandemic going on, I’ve stayed in Berlin. Today the weather was great and I rode my bike for 75-ish kilometers — that’s probably at least a 100 miles or so, I guess.
As this seems to be my food blog and poor man’s instagram, this is the place to mention this: For the last couple of weeks I’ve had a huge craving for instant noodles. You know, these cheap convenience food packages from the Asian grocery store around the corner. Tonight’s dinner will be the DIY-version of that, kind of. Without this artificial seasoning and stuff. But with a truckload of instant noodles, of course.
More than one year ago I visited a very dear friend in Switzerland. We drove into the Alps and went for a little walk near the middle of nowhere. A few minutes ago I found some pictures from that short vacation.
A very dear friend of mine sent me a jar of homemade rocket pesto, together with a recipe how they like it, with roasted tomates and candied nuts. It was super delicious — I cooked — and ate! — it as dinner yesterday.
In 2016 I visited the United States and I just found some pictures from Manhattan I took back then:
I just feel like I want to share them and I’m really looking forward to flying to the city again once the pandemic is over.
I had some Kässpätzle yesterday. For the first time ever, I made one of my most favorite dishes completely on my own with nothing but flour, water, eggs, and some cheese. A ton of cheese, to be honest. Think of Kässpätzle as German Mac’n’Cheese with Swiss Cheese and special pasta.
It was great.
I made some vegan cookies today. They’re basically peanut butter, chocolate, some flour and oat flakes.
In 2006 I bought my first CD ever: Stadium Arcadium by Red Hot Chili Peppers. A few years later, the Internet did its thing and I stopped paying for music for several years. Around 2012 or so I started using Spotify and had it since then with some years of Apple Music in between. Over all those years I discovered lots of great artists and listened to a huge number of songs, a lot of them are connected to people the once were or still are part of my life.
Six months ago, I heard a song by Austrian musician Alicia Edelweiss and bought the whole album instantly. You have to support artists during the pandemic, I told myself.
A few days ago I cancelled my Spotify-subscription. There are several reasons for this step:
And now you have to excuse me. There’s some music that needs my attention. Or is it me needing the music’s attention? Does it matter?