@zeitschlag in short

I attended the local chapter of Cocoaheads in Frankfurt yesterday, although I’ve worked here for more than one year. Before I attended the Berlin Cocoheads meetup and I really missed it.

It was a very nice meetup and I’m really looking forward to the next one.

I had to leave the house and decided to travel to Cologne for basically a ride on my bike and a piece of cake.

Critical Mass in Berlin

On last saturday, I attended my first Critical Mass. That‘s basically some people riding their bikes through the city. 2000 people joined in Berlin last weekend. I realized (again), how much public space cars need — and get. It‘s time to build some proper bicycle infrastructure in Germany.

Tonight‘s the next Critical Mass and I‘m really looking forward to it!

This morning I read about the Up&Go cleaners cooperative in the German ZEIT newspaper. I really like the idea.

Yesterday I attended the Global Climate Strike in Berlin together with 270 000 other people. Throughout Germany, 1.4 million people attended that strike. But that exact same morning, the German government decided to do nothing against global warming again, but making life easier for rich people. They sell this “do nothing” decision as kind of “breakthrough”.

Dear politicians, I’m angry. I don’t want you to lower taxes. I want you to fucking fight global warning. What can I buy for all the money in the world, when there’s no world?

Some random thoughts about what I like about µ.blog

Here are some things I really like about micro.blog:

  • I can write in Markdown.
  • There is a very low barrier to me: I can simply write down a thought or post an image. All I have to do is to start typing. I don’t even have to enter a title.
  • I don’t feel any pressure to perfect things. This is kind of new to me, although I’ve written blogposts for ~13 years or so.

To sum up: It feels like micro.blog has made me think about, what blogging is for me.

On folding bikes and global climate strikes

Since I’ve owned a proper folding bike 🚲, commuting and traveling is so much more fun. I have the bike with me all the time and ride as often as possible and whenever I have to get to a place I can’t reach with public transport.

I just decided to leave the train one station earlier, so that I can cycle home. Oh, and of course I will attend the global climate strike in Berlin tomorrow. 🌍

Do you plan to attend the global climate strike?

I tweet in German, usually. On my tech blog, I write in English, but on my personal blog, it‘s German again. And what about this one? I don‘t know, I haven‘t decided yet. Maybe both? Maybe just English, as it feels strangely somehow pretty natural?

The sky was much more beautiful in reality. Greeting from the lovely town of Basel 🇨🇭🗺

Perks of working in Frankfurt: I can hop on a train to Basel after work.

Here‘s another one I took in Frankfurt last week. This time it‘s without a filter.

Let‘s see, how micro.blog handles images. I took this picture in Berlin and applied the “Pacific”-filter to it.

A few days ago I decided to give AppCode a try. As it’s designed to be used with keyboard shortcuts, I switched from a German to a US keyboard layout. It’s much more convenient, not only for programming, but for writing Markdown, too.

Ach, ich fange jetzt einfach mal an. Manchmal ist anfangen wichtiger als es von Anfang an richtig zu machen. Und umziehen kann ich immer noch, das mache ich dann halt später.

Ich bin noch nicht so ganz überzeugt, ob ich nicht doch einfach ein Wordpress aufsetzen soll. Zum einen, weil ich es kann. Zum anderen, weil ich den Gedanken der Unabhängigkeit mag: Wenn es mir irgendwo nicht mehr gefällt, kann ich einfach weiterziehen.

Vielleicht löse ich dieses Problem aber auch einfach mit $5 pro Monat.